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Coronavirus Discussion Update 3 (GE Lynn)

Discussions on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Update #3 (GE Lynn)

March 17th 2020, 12:30pm

Late this morning we heard back from GE.  Discussions are ongoing as the situation changes frequently. We are still pursuing concerns and questions.  However, we wanted to update the membership as soon as possible.

Q: How will payment of employees be handled in the case of a facility shutdown?

A: Temporary Lack of Work (TLOW) with layoff benefits, including continued healthcare coverage per the benefit program.

Q: How will payment of employees be handled in the case of employees with positive tests? Confirmed exposure? Quarantined?

A: Positive Test – 14 days continued active pay followed by STD if necessary.

Confirmed Exposure – if moved into quarantine, will receive active pay per below (Quarantine); should discuss with medical teams to determine course of action.

Quarantine – active pay while in government or company-mandated quarantine.

Q: How will attendance (absences/occurrences) be handled as a result of any of the incidents

A: No attendance occurrences while absent for above reasons as approved by the Company.

The Company released a resource page related to the COVID-19 pandemic:

If you feel sick, do not come to work.  

If exposed to COVID-19 the following symptoms may appear within 2-14 days:

•             Fever (99.5F)

•             Cough

•             Shortness of breath

If showing these symptoms, members should stay home and stay in touch with your doctor.

If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately. Emergency warning signs include:

•             Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

•             Persistent pain or pressure in the chest

•             New confusion or inability to awaken

•             Bluish lips or face

If COVID-19 case is confirmed, the individual should stay home, self-isolate and follow instructions from health care provider. For up to date government guidance go to

If a member has been in contact with a confirmed case, the individual should stay home, self-isolate and follow instructions from health care provider.

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