Click any of the links below. These are resources available to all Local 201 union members.
Your Contract can be found here.
Stewards for all units - click here to view the Steward's Corner, any member's resource for Collective Bargaining Agreements, Local Supplements, Step 1 Grievance Forms, Step 2 Grievance Forms, Steward Training Packets, Health and Safety Forms and Information, and more.
To view available Scholarships for school, click here. There are several options open to all 201 members and their families.
Membership Meetings are held every 3rd Tuesday of the month at the union hall (with a Hybrid zoom option). In the case of a holiday on the 3rd Monday of the month the meeting is moved to the fourth Tuesday of the month.. To view minutes from these meetings, click here.
"If you're a current or retired union member, you are automatically eligible for your union’s Union Plus Benefits." This includes mortgages (with interest free mortgage assistance loan or grants available for eligible members in the event of a strike or some other unexpected losses of income) , credit cards, discounts and more run by and for union members. "Often times, your parents, spouse and children are also eligible. No Union Plus membership, no fees, no waiting period, no hassle." Click here to be redirected to the Union Plus website.