CBC Updates on GE Negotiations
For 201 members convenience, here are the reports from the Unions' National Negotiating Team thus far. Check www.GEworkersunited.org everyday for updates. More info can also be found on the CBC Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/GEworkersUnited.org/
CBC Negotiations Day 20 – Monday, June 24, 2019
Update at 1:45 a.m. Monday morning: Bargaining continues. The 2015-2019 Agreement remains in full force and effect. Report to work as usual, and stay tuned for more information. Remain strong and united as the bargaining team continues to fight for a fair and equitable contract.
CBC Negotiations Day 17 – Friday, June 21, 2019
As Retirees rally in front of GE Global Headquarters:
At the Company’s request, our CBC International leads returned to meet today. The CBC International leads will meet with the Company to listen to the Company response to suspension of contract negotiations. The CBC and GE are discussing logistics at this time, in an effort to return back to the main table.
Upon returning to the main table, the CBC will resume discussing, researching, and deep-diving and exchanging proposals with the GE negotiating team. Topics of discussion include Health Care, Retirement, Overtime, and Wages. Jerry Carney IUE-CWA Conference Board Chairman and our CBC negotiating team are standing strong to bring back a fair and equitable contract for the membership.
Solidarity For a Secure Contract!
Follow GEWorkersUnited.org for further updates
GE NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE 17 JUNE 20, 2019 *Breaking News* 7:00pm
The current GE contract with the Union Coordinating Bargaining Committee (“CBC”) composed of the IUE-CWA, UAW, IAM,USW, IBEW and IFPTE, expires on June 23, 2019. GE and dozens of International and Local representatives of these unions have been locked in negotiations in Cincinnati, Ohio since June 2, 2019. The parties have met every day since then and have discussed, researched and deep dived the entire range of issues under the collective bargaining contract.
At this point, the Company has agreed to some minor improvements to the contract but the key issues of wages, overtime, health benefits and retirement have not yet been agreed upon. The parties met today and the Company provided an amended Overtime offer and a proposed wage package. Both are entirely unacceptable to the CBC Unions and our members.
It has been 50 years since the last contract strike at GE, but we have not forgotten how to fight for our rights. IUE-CWA Conference Board Chairman Jerry Carney stated that “We are prepared to work around the clock with GE to negotiate a decent contract. But GE has to know that the terms it put on the table will lead to only one result – a general strike of all GE employees. We told GE this afternoon that we were suspending negotiations and would return to the table when they had a decent proposal to offer”.
We will keep you updated if and when negotiations continue. Remember, solidarity is our strength
CBC Negotiations Day 16-Thursday June 20, 2019
The Union Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) has made the decision to break-off the small table subcommittee meetings. Their tasks of discussing, researching, and deep diving the proposals was well served. The subcommittee members will be returning as a main table unit under IUE-CWA Lead Negotiator Jerry Carney to complete negotiations with GE.
The CBC main table will be working diligently day and night to bring these negotiations to an end. As previously identified, the main table is made up of twenty-six (26) members of all the CBC unions including union leaders from the international level and local union representation and is led by CBC Chairman Carl Kennebrew and Lead Negotiator Jerry Carney. As we continue through the negotiation process, two additional representatives from each CBC Local will observe and provide support to the CBC main table.
The CBC main table will be working to identify which proposals can be tentatively agreed upon with the Company. The CBC will need to continue discussions on Healthcare, Retirement, Overtime-and the long-waited Wage proposals. The CBC main table will continue negotiating throughout the week with GE to bring closure to negotiations and a fair and equitable contract to the membership.
CBC Negotiations Day 15 – Wednesday June 19, 2019
June 19, 2019
The Union Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) Unions had many delegates travel into Cincinnati Monday. The CBC main table coordinated a full CBC update with all union delegates in attendance and are continuing these updates nightly.
Tuesday, delegates were updated again on the status of negotiations and the projected schedule for the remaining negotiations. The CBC had originally planned to perform a package presentation to the delegates today, however, discussions in subcommittees continue and a final package has not been reached.
Initially, the CBC had identified Thursday, June 20th as the intended wrap up day in Cincinnati. The current process, however, is likely to extend to the expiration of the CBA. The CBC is working hard to bring a fair and equitable package to the membership.
Follow GEWorkersUnited.org for further up-dates.
CBC Negotiations Day 14 – Tuesday, June 18, 2019
June 19, 2019
While the Union Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) subcommittees worked on outstanding issues this morning, over two hundred UAW and IAM retirees and delegates assembled outside the GE Evendale, OH facility. IUE-CWA, IBEW, USW & IFPTE showed their solidarity by participating. The retirees and delegates rallied to voice their concerns over GE reducing health care, pensions and other retirement and life benefits. Carl Kennebrew, IUE-CWA President and CBC Chairman, noted, “GE would not be the profitable company it is today without Union retirees who labored for the company for many years! GE needs to honor our retired members and keep their promises.”
See video link of the Evendale rally below:
CBC Negotiations Day 13 – Monday, June 17, 2019
June 17, 2019
The Union Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) is entering the third week of negotiations with GE. Week one included initial passing of comprehensive proposals by the CBC and GE. Week two incorporated the forming of subcommittees to perform the task of discussing, researching and deep diving the proposals with guidance and directives being provided by the CBC main table.
The CBC believes subcommittees will wrap up their tasks of identifying the impact of Company proposals and making suggestions on future proposals by mid-week. Subcommittee discussions, many lasting late into the night, were beneficial in identifying the proposals impact to each local union.
As additional delegates from CBC local unions travel into Cincinnati today, main table negotiations will continue with two representatives from each local union in the gallery. In an effort to enhance communications, between the negotiation leaders and all delegates, the CBC main table will meet nightly with all union delegates to update them on daily progress. The CBC main table will continue throughout the week negotiating with GE to bring closure to negotiations and a fair and equitable contract
CBC Negotiations Day 10 – Friday, June 14, 2019
Discussions between the Union Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) and Company continued this tenth day of negotiations. Subcommittees are broken out into three different groups: healthcare, retirement and contract language / wages.
In 2015, the negotiations were managed at the small table. In 2019, the small table is no longer in existence and the CBC main table, representing one or more members of each participating Union, performs the task of finalizing and tentatively agreeing to proposals with the Company.
Each union subcommittee throughout the week was assigned the task of discussing, researching and deep diving into each individual proposal. The subcommittee is required to report out to the CBC main table the impact of the Company’s proposals and how they affect the membership. The subcommittees also make suggestions on future proposals and changes to the Union CBC main table regarding the Union’s comprehensive package. The subcommittee takes main table directives back to the Company for further in-depth presentation and discussions.
The main table CBC provides the final direction to a subcommittee on how action is taken. After thoroughly researching and in-depth discussions, the CBC main table exchanges proposals with the Company’s main table participants to work towards a tentative agreement on behalf of the membership.
The main table and subcommittee representatives have worked extensively throughout the week, with many late nights. They will continue throughout the weekend discussing proposals and identify the best course of action to finalize negotiations towards a fair and equitable contract for the union membership.
CBC Negotiations Day 9 – Thursday, June 13, 2019
As the second week of negotiations is coming to a close, The Union Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) continues to exchange proposals and have subcommittees meet several times a day. The retirement subcommittee countered the Company late last night and is waiting on the Company’s responses. The Company has made minor movement on their proposals to date and are not moving on their overall position. Members in the ranks close to retirement should be concerned about the Company’s position. The CBC continues to demand a fair retirement package which provides financial security for the members.
The healthcare subcommittee continues to stipulate to the Company that healthcare is a major concern to every union member at every unionized site. Healthcare was a major issue for the membership on the pre-negotiation surveys. Employees of GE work tirelessly producing a product, and in return, their spouses and babies deserve the security of low-cost, high-standard healthcare.
The company’s theme continues with little movement in the contract language subcommittee. Wages, and a required general wage increase, have still not become a highly-discussed topic. The CBC continues to defend its position to protect all unionized worker’s rights.
CBC Negotiations Day 8 – Wednesday, June 12, 2019
In a show of solidarity, the Union Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) requests all Union members, at all GE sites, wear their CBC black t-shirt tomorrow, Thursday, June 13th.
Halfway through week two of negotiations, significant distance remains between management proposals and union proposals on many important issues.The retirement subcommittee has met regularly and continues to discuss proposals.
The healthcare subcommittee has been meeting several times a day. The parties have been providing counters to each other’s proposals. As our membership has stated in surveys, healthcare continues to be a main topic of conversation at the negotiation table.
The contract language and wages subcommittee are continuing to address language concerns. It is unlikely wages will be an in-depth topic of discussion until healthcare proposals are further discussed and close to agreeable terms.
The subcommittees are meeting regularly and continued late into the evening on Tuesday. Subcommittee meetings resumed on Wednesday morning.
CBC Negotiations Day 7 – Tuesday, June 11, 2019
The Union Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) and GE started the seventh day of negotiations with ‘Retiree Day’. The parties acknowledged the hard work, service and respect of all retired union members. Several retirees spoke on issues of importance.
William Kerr, IUE-CWA Local 301, 42 years of service, is a multi-generational union member. William discussed the importance of retiree healthcare and pension promises from GE.
Ted Shimkowiak, UAW Local 647, 43+ years of service, served as a union representative during eight nation negotiations. Ted outlined the guaranteed promises GE made for post 65 retirement benefits and the need to reinstate the benefits for all employees.
Kevin Mahar, IUE-CWA Local 201, 55+ years of service, voiced concern over the need for retiree support and advocacy. Kevin outlined his continued support in aiding members in the enrollment process for Retirement Reimbursement Account (RRA) benefits. He voiced his fear of funds not being utilized by retirees that may be eligible due to the cumbersome process of applying for the benefits.
Terry Elfers, IAM Local 912, 30 years of service, continued the conversation on RRA. Terry outlined the rising cost of prescriptions impacting the wallets of retirees and concern on the under-funding of the pension plan.
Marvin Sisk, IUE-CWA Local 701, 25 years of service, thanked the parties for the opportunity to come and speak. Marvin made it clear GE needs to stop cutting benefits. “I see people every week that are hurting and struggling”, said Sisk. He continued, “Retirees should not have to choose between paying for medicine and buying food.”
The afternoon session continued with subcommittee meetings on healthcare, retirement and language/wages. The CBC and GE continued discussing proposals and the other party’s comprehensive packages.
Union members at all GE sites are being requested to wear their CBC black t-shirt on Thursday, June 13th.
See daily up-dates at GEWorkersUnited.org
CBC Negotiations Day 6 – Monday, June 10, 2019
The Union Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) and GE kicked off a second week of negotiations this morning. The subcommittees for retirement and healthcare continue to meet. In-depth conversations on proposals are taking place in the subcommittees as the CBC continues to drive the importance of these benefits to our members.
Tuesday is projected to be ‘Retiree Day’. The CBC will be joined by several Union retired sisters and brothers to express the importance of a comprehensive post-retirement benefit package.
Click the links below for retiree interview videos.
Jack Palmer retiree video
Danny Beard Retiree Video
CBC Negotiations Day 5 – Friday June 7, 2019
The Union Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) and GE continued discussions from yesterday on the process of subcommittees. The parties agreed that, due to the quantity of proposals still open, subcommittees would be formed for retirement and healthcare.
Each union within the CBC assigned main table members to participate in the subcommittees. Full participation allowed all unions within the CBC to continue to show solidarity and be engaged in the negotiation process.
Final proposals from the sub-committees will be dealt with at the main table.
The members of the CBC Health Care sub-committee;
Andy Blades | Local 83701 IUE-CWA (Subcommittee Chair) |
Renee Turner-Bailey | UAW International |
Gary Jordan | UAW International |
Matt Finley | IAM Local 912 Chairman |
Lawrence Butler | IAM Local 439 Chief Steward |
Rob Macherone | Local 81301 IUE-CWA Business Agent |
Bill Collins | Local 84704 IUE-CWA President |
Randy Middleton | IBEW Director of Manufacturing |
The member of the CBC Retirement sub-committee:
Jake Aguinaga | IUE-CWA 1004 President (Subcommittee Chair) |
Tim Mason | UAW Local 647 President |
Alex Luniewski | IFPTE Local 147 President |
Bob Foote | IAM |
Todd Smith | IUE Local 303 |
Adam Stewenson | UAW |
Bobby Holt | IUE-CWA Staff Attorney |
Bill Maher | IUE-CWA Local 201 Business Agent |
Vicky Hurley | IUE-CWA Local 82161 President |
Neil Gladstein | IAM Strategic Resources |
Craig Norman | IAM Director of Collective Bargaining |
To close out the week, the CBC and company subcommittee members met to discuss open proposals and continue in-depth discussions. The CBC and GE will resume negotiations on Monday June 10, 2019.
CBC Negotiations Day 4 – Thursday, June 6, 2019
The Union Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) and GE finalized their initial comprehensive packages and exchanged counterproposals today. The company provided initial responses to the CBC’s healthcare and retirement proposals. The CBC and GE have some similar proposals in these categories which will continue to be topics of discussion.
The company provided the Unions with wage and overtime proposals during the afternoon session, voicing a continuous message of flexibility, market trends and decreasing rates. IUE-CWA Conference Board Chair and CBC Lead Negotiator Jerry Carney was quick to identify the unreasonableness of the proposals and voiced concern over the ability of the parties to reach an agreement based on the company’s initial proposals.
The parties used the late afternoon hours to continue work on proposals, counters, and discussions. Lead Negotiator Carney proposed that the Union and company break into subcommittees to move talks forward on healthcare, retirement and language/wages proposals. Delegates from each of the CBC unions will be represented in the sub committees and proposals from the subcommittees will be dealt with at the main table.
CBC Negotiations Day 3 – Wednesday, June 5, 2019
The Union Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) and GE met today and continued the process of passing initial proposals across the table. Both parties have numerous proposals generalized into the categories of Contract Language, Wages, Retirement, Job and Income Security, Healthcare, Disability, Life Insurance, Personal Accident, Paid Time Off, Work Family and Education.
With most of the comprehensive packages shared, the discussion was returned to the topic of Healthcare. GE asked follow-up questions to clarify the aspects of the CBC’s healthcare proposals. The CBC continued to share concerns over the cost difference in proposals and the importance of the CBC’s proposal to its membership.
The day ended with the Company responding to several CBC proposals on Job and Income Security. The CBC also replied to many of the Company proposals that were provided earlier in the day. The parties agreed to continue bargaining on Thursday with discussions on healthcare, the Company providing a wage proposal and responses to other open CBC proposals.
Check each day for updates GEWorkersUnited.org
CBC Negotiations Day 2 – June 4, 2019
National negotiations resumed between the Union Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) and GE today. The morning consisted of continued discussions on contract language and non-economic proposals. Minor agreement on proposals were found, most were rejected by the opposing party.
The morning session concluded with the CBC passing a healthcare proposal outlining a need to protect and expand members’ healthcare benefits. GE responded with their own proposals around Active and Retiree health benefits.
In the closing session of the second day of bargaining, The CBC provided a wage proposal identifying concerns around inflation, needed wage increases, and the value Union members provide to the company daily. The parties then spent further time analyzing proposals and defining how potential changes would impact the contract.
For continued updates on the negotiations, visit the www.geworkersunited.org
CBC Negotiation Opening Day
The Union Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) and GE met to start national contract negotiations in Cincinnati, Ohio. – June 3, 2019.
National negotiations were underway today as the Union Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) and GE Company representatives exchanged opening statements this morning. CWA President Chris Shelton, IUE-CWA President Carl Kennebrew and IAM General Vice President Bryan Bryant all made opening statements. (See attached links for Statements). IUE-CWA Conference Board Chairman Jerry Carney, along with Union leaders addressed GE and demanded a fair and equitable contract for the thousands of Union members they represent across the United States. Noted issues included wages, health care and the growing concern of plant closures.
The parties continued throughout the day with both parties’ discussing non-economic issues which will continue into Tuesday. Negotiations will continue throughout June with the current contract set to expire on June 23, 2019.
To view the IAM podcast program from GE opening day featuring an interview with CWA President Chris Shelton, please click the link: https://youtu.be/cc01kBPWDRE
Retiree Council New Years Luncheon - Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Important: Takeoff Grant award acceptance - 11/1/24